We offer straight shooting, no nonsense advice for business owners and investors, on the sometimes baffling and delicate process of company mergers, acquisitions and sales. 

We focus on human capabilities and develop strategies for the attraction, development, motivation, retention and management of the right people with the right skill sets and experiences to deliver on the goals of the organisation.

If you are considering selling or buying a business, we can help you ask and answer the right questions throughout the acquisition and divestment life cycle, from developing the optimal 'go to market' sales or acquisition strategy right through to delivering the expected value.

We help you to confidently navigate the complexities of selling or buying a business.

We will advise you on how to:

  • develop an effective strategy for selling or buying a business in today’s market
  • identify and prioritise potential purchasers or investors
  • identify and evaluate potential acquisitions
  • conduct current market value appraisals
  • advise on Transaction Structuring and Deal Negotiation
  • arrange and manage due diligence, financial, tax and commercial
  • prepare and submit your final offer working closely with your legal advisers
  • prepare marketing materials including information memoranda
  • develop an ownership succession plan
  • engage with suitable candidates for business leadership equity participation

Business Ownership Succession Planning and Business Leadership Equity Participation Explained

About Robert

Rob Hurst has bought, sold and founded numerous businesses in industries as diverse as Sales Training, Recruitment, Property Investment and Trading, Commercial Painting, Retail Jewellery, Mobile Signage, Telecommunications, Expositions, Motorsport Sponsorship and Marketing Promotions.

In addition, he was a Licenced Business Broker for a number of years and facilitated many business sales and M&A transactions, typically in the $500,000 to $10M price range. 

Industries included IT Integration, Data Centre, Software, Import and Distribution, Rental Equipment, Recruitment, Manufacturing, Industrial, Metal Foundry and Processing, Retail, Coffee Roasting and Distribution, Printing, Office Equipment, Security Services, Marine Services, Clothing Manufacture and Distribution, CNC Machining, Water Treatment, Stainless Fabrication and more.

As well as directing Alchemy Consulting, Rob has a Promotions Company and was until recently, the Executive Director of a US based commercial services business employing 100+ staff.

As a consequence of this experience, Rob is well positioned to advise both Employers and Business Owners alike.

Contact Rob now to find out how he can solve your problem and why one of his favourite sayings is:

"I know hundreds of ways that don’t work."

Robert Hurst
m +64 (0) 274 764 224