20 Interview questions that may make you pause to think...
- Give us three adjectives that describe you best?
- What would you like written in your obituary?
- What is your main weakness?
- How can you convince me that I can trust you?
- How do you measure success?
- How do your managers motivate you?
- What skills do you need to develop most?
- What is the biggest mistake that you have made?
- What is the biggest decision that you have ever had to make?
- Tell us about your worst colleague/manager?
- Describe an instance when your work was criticised.
- What do you think about being mentored?
- How would you handle a situation where you mentor recommended an approach that you disagreed with?
- Tell us how you would manage a conflict with a third-party provider, quoting your experience.
- What is the riskiest thing you've ever done?
- What makes you angry?
- Do you ever lose your temper?
- How do you cope with criticism?
- How do you manage upwards?
- What is the difference between management and leadership?
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